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Work on Paper
Multiple Prints
Techniques Mixtes
Estampes Multiples
Mixed Media
Oeuvre sur Papier
up to 2500€
up to 5000€
up to 10000€
Ink on Thick paper on MDF wood panel
Ink on canvas
Charcoal on paper
Black and coloured pencil drawing on paper mounted on linen canvas
Oil on canvas
Acrylic on canvas
Herbarium (dried flower on paper)
huile sur toile
Recto: Pen and black pencil drawing on paper. Verso: Black pencil sketch (Study for oil on canvas "Still life, 1956)
Ink on paper
Diasec Brillant ED 3/6 print
Offset lithograph in colour_Ed 71/150
Acrylic spray paint and oil stick on canvas
Oil stick, acrylic paint, hand-colored and collaged cardboard with marbling, lithography, linoleum block & silkscreen printings, unique piece Bottom Lef: Work Proof, signed and dated
Acrylic on paper
Affiche d’exposition signée par Beuys
Acrylic on canvas & wood cuttings
Lost wax bronze. Signed "Dali" on the left leg and numbered under the signature 44/99. Edition of 99 copies and 9 P.E. (Proof Edition). Bears the stamp of the Bonvicini Foundry, Verona
India ink and watercolour on paper
Diasec Brillant ED 1/6 print
Offset lithograph in colour_Ed 76/150
Sérigraphie en couleur édition XI/XV signée
Aeronautical fireproof paint on canvas of a medical gown (size 52)/ Signed in paint across the entire width of the width
Diasec Brillant ED 2/6 print
Lithographie édition 150/150 signée
Diasec Satin
Billet de 500 francs belges Magritte signé PANAMARENKO avec le stamp North Sea Depot
Diasec Satin ED 1/6
Tempera on canvas
ink on kappa
Encre de Chine sur papier. Monogrammée en bas à droite.
huile sur papier
Tiraphe photo marouflé sur dibond Ed 3
sérigraphie sur papier
Techniques Mixtes
Acrylic and oil on canvas
16 gravures sur papier japon d'après des dessins originaux de 1948 réhaussées par Paul Delvaux en 1978 ED de 20 signées et numérotées. Série N° 4/20
Diasec Print
Clear crystal & 18 carat gold Lost wax Ed.7/20
Technique mixte sur papier
Oil on Tarpaulin
photo n/b par "Lui"
Photo n/b Ch. Gibey
photo n/b par Duane Michals
Photo n/b
photo n/b, planche contact, par Shunk- Kender, Paris
photo n/b I.Shenker
photo n/b, par Shunk-Kender, Paris
photo n/b S.Kender Paris
photo n/b D.Frasnay Paris
photo n/b G.Thiry bords dentelés
photo n/b Shunk-Kender Paris
Carbon-Copy Carbon and ink on inkjet
video 7’51 ed 2/5
Bronze peint
C print Ed. 17/25
C print Ed. 1/25
Encre de Chine sur papier
Edition signée et numérotée 95/175
Gelatine Silver Print Ed. 7/10
Mine de crayon & techniques mixtes sur papier
Contemporary Art
Modern Art